Thursday, August 17, 2006

Half Sky Hanging

I've just realised who I am.

I speak a few languages but not perfect at any.
I'm not the shortest among my peers but I'm not standing tall at 5'7" either.
I don't stutter but I do mumble.
I'm smart but I'm not wise.
I know my way around Photoshop but I don't know what CSS is.
I have answers to problems but none to mine.
I started out loving science but haven't touched a calculator in years.
I have the gift of gab but lose it around an employer or a pretty girl.
People laugh at me, not with me. At least I make people laugh?!
I'm a nerd who once got pissed drunk on a regular basis.
I play the drums better than my friends, but never good enough to land a recording contract.
I taught guitar for two years but I cannot play a guitar solo.
I excel at school probably to end up slaving behind a cubicle.

I think of the wittiest things to say but never remember enough to write them down.

I am mediocre.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

join the club.

8/18/2006 3:52 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

actually, no. i take that back. the club doesn't accept you. i have evidence. ask me people, ask me.

8/18/2006 3:53 pm  

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