Thursday, September 09, 2004

The Law of Mortality

these are enlightened, albeit drunken thoughts
the difference between immortality and mortal life is summed up by this
"The Law of Mortality"

in it's essence, immortality is always the number "3"
and mortality "2"
one number is all that separates us from what we have always strived towards
or worshipped
or revered
and never understood
simple as it may be, one number is our greatest quest and our greatest failure
let me explain

in human life, there are only two extremes
in perfect opposition and in perfect balance
these two extremes constitute our reasoning of the world, and existence
even life itself
without these two extremes our mortal minds would cease to comprehend
to make sense of this paradox we call life
we may reason that life is either of each
but we can never fully achieve either
this is the greatest irony

yin and yang
good and evil
light and dark
male and female
God and Satan
cruel and kind
easy and hard
beautiful and ugly
strong and weak
heavy and light
attractive and repulsive
awake and asleep
knowledge and ignorance
wisdom and foolishness
life and death
square and round
advancement and regression
forward and backward
right and left
top and bottom
in and out
first and last
healthy and sick
hot and cold
dry and wet
drunk and sober

the reason why we stay mortal is the fact that we are caught somewhere in between these two extremes
we are never truly one of both
we are never truly "pure"
we are...human
and we strive not to be stuck in the middle
where confusion lies
where we are at the eye of the storm, waiting for the walls to close in
where we are at loss
where we become the rope in a divine tug-o-war
ironically we need to be in between these two extremes
it is our nature
it is what makes us human, who we are

immortality, however, is about the one element that we cannot grasp with our feeble intellect


in the faith i knew

the Triumvate
the Trinity
the Father, Son and Holy Ghost

these are things that i will never understand

too bad.

what, they've made you mortal too?


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